We recently held a survey asking residents what they thought about Cardiff Council's plans to install a nextbike stand on Station Road. Here are the results.... Nearly 70% of you would use a nextbike: Most of you would use a nextbike to travel to and from town, along the Taff Trail. Some of you would head north along the trail: Radyr Station is seen as the best location for a nextbike stand, narrowly beating Station Road: Even so, there doesn't seem to be any strong objection to locating the stand on Station Road - although your responses to Cardiff Council's proposals were mixed. Detailed questions about the proposal led to:
At the end of the day, almost 87% of you think we should have a nextbikes stand in Radyr: And if we were to be given a second nextbike stand, the most popular choice for that, by a narrow margin, would be somewhere in Morganstown (which 53% of you think should have a nextbikes stand): Headline Results
So the headlines from the survey are:
We hope that you enjoyed taking part in our survey. We think it's a great way for us to engage with the community - and to find out what you think. We will be conducting more surveys - so please look out from them. The more who take part, the easier it will be for us to be sure that we are accurately representing the community's views. Thanks again to those who took part in this survey!
Take part in our survey! Cardiff Council is planning to install a nextbike station on Station Road, by the shops. Is this a good idea? let us know what you think by taking part in our survey, which you can find here. What is a nextbike? nextbikes cost £1 to hire for every thirty minute period (although costs can reduce to 50p per thirty minutes if you agree a monthly or annual contract). You can hire a nextbike by downloading the company's app. When you find a nextbike that you want to hire, you enter the bike's unique registration code on your app - which then displays another code that you can use to unlock the bike. When you've finished with it, you return it to any nextbike station and lock it to the stand. You are charged for the bike via the app. You can read more on the company's website, here. What would happen on Station Road? The nextbike station would measure 8 metres by 3.2 metres (2 metres for the bikes and the stand, plus a minimum of 1.2 metres to allow safe pedestrian space around the rental station). That's 26 feet by 10 feet. The station would look like the one shown below. It is not clear, however, who owns the land in front of each shop. Also, the nextbike stand would take up space at the heart of our community, which is slowly becoming a place where people enjoy sitting out in front of the restaurant, cafe and bars. Cicchetti currently has a planning application submitted to extend their outdoor seating area. So there may be a conflict of interests here - for businesses and residents. Even so, having nextbikes on Station Road could benefit our community. Let us know what you think! Is there anything else I should know? There have been some recent reports in the press about nextbike vandalism in Cardiff - along with empty nextbike stands which has 'baffled and frustrated cyclists'. You can read about the story here. What about my privacy? We use SmartSurvey, a UK-based, online survey service. SmartSurvey is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (registration number: Z1155070) - which is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. You can read their privacy policies here. How can you take part in the survey?
The survey is now closed. What's the survey about? We would like to know how well we are served in Radyr and Morganstown, with regard to mobile phone signal strength. You can help us by completing our short survey. Your response will be anonymous. What will we do with the results? We will publish them, so you can compare your experiences with those of other residents - with different service providers and different mobile phones. If we see that the service most people get is not as good as it could be, then we can share the survey results with Ofcom, which is the regulator for communications services, with a duty to help ensure that the public gets the best from their mobile services. Any results so far? Yes. The survey report has now been published. What about my privacy? We use SmartSurvey, a UK-based, online survey service. SmartSurvey is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (registration number: Z1155070) - which is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. You can read their privacy policies here. We ran a survey about Golf Club Lane. We asked: 'should it be closed to traffic?'
The survey is now closed (Cardiff Council's consultation ended on 26 July). The results are as follows: Just 53 responses. 32 were for closure (60%). 20 were against closure (37%). 1 respondent did not express a preference. All who thought the lane should be closed (some of whom drive along the lane, from time to time) believe it is unsafe for walkers. Those who disagree believe that walkers are safe, or should take care. Update: this survey is now closed. We received nearly 200 responses, which is more than our free trial of SurveyMonkey allows us to deal with. We will have to consider upgrading our SurveyMonkey account.
We asked: 'What would you like to see take the place of the old Spar shop?' The chart below shows how things stood at the end of the survey. An Indian restaurant came first, followed by a Chinese restaurant - and then a bakery. An estate agent came last, after a hairdresser and a funeral parlour. We will let the Spar site owners see the results, so that they can see what the community supports. Although the final decision will be theirs, we can only hope that they will take note of our views. Thank you! |
surveysLet us know if you'd like us to conduct a survey about a matter that interests you. Contact us at: [email protected] Archives
July 2019
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