As we reported here, we recently asked Plasdwr for a 'lessons learned' response, arising from the serious inconvenience caused to residents in recent weeks - along with plans for how they will seek to minimise disruption in future.
This is their response (and we are grateful to Pladsdwr for providing it so promptly): The works taking place along Llantrisant Road are complex as there are a number of different elements involved, particularly beneath the road surface. An entirely new utilities infrastructure – gas, water, electricity, sewers, and telecommunications – is being installed to serve Plasdŵr as well as highway drainage. During these works, we have also encountered unforeseeable complications such as existing, uncharted utility infrastructure underground, which have caused unavoidable delays. “The nature of these works requires us to work within the carriageway, resulting in single lane traffic. This requires 24hr traffic lights which inevitably causes disruption. While unavoidable, we remain absolutely committed to reducing this disruption and so have been working very closely with Cardiff Council and our contractor, Alun Griffiths, to look at better and safer ways to control traffic at peak times. “The challenge remains ensuring access to Llantrisant Road from Heol Isaf, Clos Parc Radur and Danescourt. Following feedback, we introduced manual lights to the west of the Heol Isaf roundabout during peak times (normally 06:30-09:00 and 15:30-19:00). “While this has had a positive impact for Heol Isaf, traffic has continued to block the roundabouts at Clos Parc Radur and Danescourt. In response to this, we are currently trialling additional road signs asking motorists to be considerate and not block the roundabouts. Alun Griffiths are monitoring traffic flow at peak times each day and we’re making adjustments where we can to ease congestion, maintain a balance and keep traffic moving as much as possible. This monitoring will continue. “We have continually talked to the local community regarding Plasdŵr generally and traffic management specifically via regular drop-in sessions, monthly update e-bulletins and via our own channels. What we have learned over the past few weeks is that people want far more detailed information from us on the planned works. We have shared that detail and will be more proactive in sharing the detail of future works.” Wayne Rees, Plasdŵr Project Director Do you think these adjustments and improvements will ease congestion? Let us know what you think, below.
20/11/2019 05:37:52 pm
It seems to me that words come very easy to these people but truth is in short supply. There is clearly no incentive or inclination to complete these works is a decent time. Perhaps we should be thinking of ways to make their lives miserable. They are only concerned with profits full stop. I would not waste time and space with their replies as they mean nothing.
Wayne Rooney
20/11/2019 07:29:21 pm
More empty words. Basically they're saying things aren't going to get better, get used to it.
10/8/2020 12:25:31 pm
When will the Junction n of Heol isaf/Llantrisant Road be completed please.
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May 2023