We have received the following bilingual message from the School Organisation Planning team at Cardiff Council. Please note the opportunity for you to respond to the consultation - and the drop-in sessions to be held during September and October:
21st Century Schools As part of the planning agreement for the construction of the Plasdŵr development, a new primary school is being provided by the site developer to serve this first phase of the development, the wider area and some future housing developments that have also been planned. The new school at Plasdŵr is proposed to be a two form entry primary school, with two language streams, organised as: · One form of entry Welsh-medium (30 places per year group) · One form of entry predominantly English-medium, with significant use of Welsh (30 places per year group) This means that there would be 420 primary school places in total. There will also be 48 part-time nursery places for the Welsh-medium stream and 48 part-time nursery places for the English-medium stream. The proposed changes would take effect from September 2021. A public consultation on the proposed new school is taking place from 9 September – 28 October 2019. The Council is keen that as many people as possible are aware of the consultation. We would like people to be informed on how to find out more about what is being proposed and how to express their views on it. How can you find out more and let us know your views? Details of the consultation, how to have you say, and an online response form can be found on the Council’s website at www.cardiff.gov.uk/Plasdwrschool As part of the consultation we have organised drop-in sessions and a public meeting that you can attend if you would like us to explain the suggested changes to you and for you to ask us questions. Drop in Session Date/Time Venue Drop in session Monday 16th September, 10.00 – 11.30 am Redrow site office, Clos Parc Radur, Radyr Public meeting Monday 30th September, 6.30 – 8.00pm Radyr Comprehensive School Drop in session Tuesday 1st October, 10.00 -11.30am Fairwater Leisure Centre Drop in session Thursday 3rd October, 5.00 -7.30pm Central Library Drop in session Monday 7th October, 2.00 -3.30pm Radyr Library The consultation will end on 28 October 2019. Hard copies of the consultation document are available at Central Library, Radyr Library and Fairwater Hub. Alternatively, if you would like a hard copy of the consultation document sent directly to you please contact the School Organisation Planning Team. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 029 2087 2720 Regards School Organisation Planning Annwyl Lywodraethwr Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif Fel rhan o’r cytundeb cynllunio ar gyfer adeiladu datblygiad Plasdŵr, mae ysgol gynradd newydd yn cael ei darparu gan ddatblygwr y safle i wasanaethu’r tai yng ngham cyntaf y datblygiad, yr ardal ehangach a pheth datblygiadau tai yn y dyfodol sydd hefyd wedi eu cynllunio. Bydd yr ysgol newydd ym Mhlasdŵr yn ysgol gynradd â dau ddosbarth mynediad, gyda dwy ffrwd iaith, wedi’u trefnu fel a ganlyn: · Un dosbarth mynediad cyfrwng Cymraeg (30 lle fesul grŵp blwyddyn) · Un dosbarth mynediad Saesneg yn bennaf sy’n defyddio’r Gymraeg yn sylweddol (30 lle fesul grŵp blwyddyn) Golyga hyn y ceid cyfanswm o 420 o leoedd i gyd. Bydd hefyd 48 o leoedd rhan amser yn y feithrinfa ar gyfer y ffrwd Gymraeg a 48 o leoedd meithrin ar gyfer y ffrwd Saesneg. Byddai’r newidiadau arfaethedig yn cael eu rhoi ar waith o fis Medi 2021. Mae ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar yr ysgol newydd arfaethedig yn cael ei gynnal o 9 Medi tan 28 Hydref 2019. Mae’r Cyngor yn awyddus bod cymaint o bobl â phosibl yn ymwybodol o’r ymgynghoriad. Hoffem ni i bobl gael gwybod yr hyn sy’n cael ei gynnig, ac i allu lleisio eu barn ar yr hyn sy’n cael ei gynnig. Sut mae cael mwy o wybodaeth a rhannu eich barn gyda ni? Gallwch ddod o hyd i fanylion llawn yr ymgynghoriad, gwybodaeth am sut i ddweud eich dweud, a ffurflen ymateb ar-lein ar wefan y Cyngor yn www.caerdydd.gov.uk/ysgolplasdwr Fel rhan o’r ymgynghoriad rydym wedi trefnu cyfarfod cyhoeddus a sesiynau galw heibio y gallwch fynd iddynt os hoffech chi i ni esbonio’r newidiadau awgrymedig i chi ac i chi ofyn cwestiynau i ni. Sesiwn Galw Heibio Dyddiad/Amser Lleoliad Sesiwn Galw Heibio Dydd Llun 16 Medi 10.00 – 11.30 am Swyddfa safle Redrow, Clos Parc Radur, Radur Cyfarfod cyhoeddus Dydd Llun 30 Medi, 6.30 – 8.00pm Ysgol Gyfun Radur Sesiwn Galw Heibio Dydd Mawrth 1 Hydref 10.00 – 11.30am Canolfan Hamdden y Tyllgoed Sesiwn Galw Heibio Dydd Iau 3 Hydref 5.00 – 7.30pm Llyfrgell Ganolog Sesiwn Galw Heibio Dydd Llun 7 Hydref , 2.00 -3.30pm Llyfrgell Radur Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn dod i ben ar 28 Hydref 2019. Bydd copïau caled o’r ddogfen hon ar gael yn y Llyfrgell Ganolog, Llyfrgell Radur a Hyb y Tyllgoed. Fel arall, os hoffech gael copi caled o’r ddogfen ymgynghori wedi’i hanfon atoch yn uniongyrchol, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Cynllunio Trefniadaeth Ysgolion. E-bost: [email protected] Ffôn: 029 2087 2720 Yn gywir Cynllunio Trefniadaeth Ysgolion
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