We have received the following information from Cardiff Council's Network Management and Street-works Team:
Heol Isaf Horan Contractors will be carrying out essential CBR testing under temporary traffic lights for a planned internal Council scheme on Heol Isaf that you would have been notified about, the CBR testing will be carried out out of hours from 19.30 until 23.00 on the 16th and 17th September to minimise disruption to the traveling public. Ynys Bridge Alun Griffiths who are currently working on the crossing upgrade at Ynys Bridge will also be having temporary traffic lights on 19th and 20th September from 8pm – 5am out of hour to carry out the planning and resurfacing element of the works. Residents may wish to start their journeys a short while earlier, to allow time for passing by these roadworks. What is CBR testing? We think it is the California Bearing Ratio test, which is an empirical measure of soil strength. It is most often used on subgrade for road design and construction to determine the thicknesses of materials to be used. The stronger the material being tested, the higher the CBR value, which can lead to thinner layers of material being used, which in turn can reduce construction cost. So now you know!
1 Comment
KEVIN Gregory
6/9/2019 04:46:06 pm
I really despair at the level of spelling in local council communications that I have seen in recent years. It should be ‘out of hours’ it is a plural description of the time period quoted.
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