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You can find it here. What new money? Caro Wild, Cardiff Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for strategic planning and transport has written to every community council in Cardiff, seeking ideas for a new initiative, to be called the Local Infrastructure Idea Lists. Specifically, he has asked for ideas in relation to public open spaces, community facilities and local highway improvements. Whilst looking primarily at ideas that may be funded through Section 106 developer contributions, the lists will also help to inform other work that is undertaken by Cardiff Council’s service areas, using the Council's normal funding channels. What will this mean for us? This is an opportunity for people across Radyr and Morganstown to submit their ideas. What would you like to see developed in your area? Would you like to see any improvements to our public spaces Better, or more, playgrounds? An outdoor gym? Improved landscaping? More places to sit and enjoy being outdoors? Somewhere for our young people to meet up? Do you want to see any improvements to Station Road? How about community facilities? Improvements to our halls? How about a new community hall on the Mound Field, with facilities for Radyr Rangers? Better sports facilities? A MUGA*? Or how about road safety and ease of movement across our community? Safer cycling? More zebra crossings? The invitation is there, from Caro Wild - so we would like to respond with a set of ideas that could really make a difference to our community. What can I do? You can send us your ideas by completing our survey, here. What will happen next? We need to send our ideas to Cardiff Council as soon as we can, in September. After that time, we can still send more ideas, but it's important for us to get our ideas onto Cardiff's initial list. An Important caveat: It's important to understand, however, that there is no guaranteed pot of money to fund everything or anything. But if we don't present our ideas, we won't be able to complain if other areas see their projects developed. So, Cardiff will assess all of the ideas it receives and prepare the Local Infrastructure Idea Lists. They will use this to help priorities how Section 106 money should be used (as well as helping to priorities the work they fund themselves). What is Section 106 money? New developments can have an impact on the local community. For example, growth in population arising from a new residential development might lead to greater pressure on local schools, community facilities, open spaces, highways or transportation. Planning obligations, known as Section 106 Contributions, can be used to require developers to provide new facilities, or contribute financially towards developments that help to mitigate the impact of their development. To help guide the S106 process, the Local Infrastructure Idea Lists is a new scheme which will be developed to provide Cardiff Council with a way to identify local infrastructure ideas for different wards, which can be taken into consideration when S106 contributions are being sought. Section 106 contributions can be sought for a range of infrastructure developments, such as affordable housing, transport, highway works, schools, open spaces, community facilities, public realm improvements, waste management facilities and flood risk management. However, as mentioned above, Caro Wild has asked us for ideas linked to public open spaces, community facilities and local highway improvements only (but we are checking why he has limited his request to those areas). The boring bit There are three legal tests governing the use of Section 106. It can constitute a reason for granting planning permission for the development only if the obligation is:
Think big! But don't these legal tests put you off! Send us your ideas. However wild! However ambitious! However big! However small! We want to know what you would like to have! Complete the survey and let us know what you'd like to see. * A Multi Use Games Arena as described here.
1 Comment
Jane Woodward
5/8/2019 09:23:55 am
More cycle lanes please .Better sign posting and info of walks in our remaining countryside including right of ways through farmland .
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May 2023