The community council has added its voice to those opposing a planning application to demolish a building and build five detached and two detached houses at Springfield Gardens, in Morganstown. You can see our letter to Cardiff Council's planning department here.
Cardiff Council has approved the demolition of two large houses on Drysgol Road and the construction of two, three-storey blocks of flats (as pictured, above). Radyr and Morganstown Community Council objected to the development on the grounds of traffic, insufficient parking for visitors, the impact on the nearbly listed building, Whitehall, the impact on the character of the neighbourhood and the lack of affordable housing or planning gain linked to the application. The Ministry of Justice (owner of the listed building) also objected to the development as did several residents, some of whom signed a petition which collected over fifty signatures. The community council is disappointed that its views, and the views of local residents did not prevail - and notes that this seems to be a regular pattern as far as planning applications in our community are concerned. As such, the community council will seek a meeting with Cardiff Council planners to present our concerns about how local opinions are dealt with by Cardiff Council - and to see if there are ways in which our community can have more impact as planning applications are considered. We will let you know how this develops. In the meantime, commenting on the planning approval, Cllr Rod McKerlich said: 'At a time when our community is expressing strong concerns about road safety, it is disconcerting how lightly our planners allow access with limited visibility onto busy roads. This development is out of keeping with the local area and, in particular, the Grade 2 listed building it abuts. Despite developing the site which currently has two houses into a site with 19 dwellings, the scheme was passed without any planning gain money being awarded, which added to our disappointment." This story was covered in the South Wales Echo on Monday, 25 March. Read what Cllr Rod McKerlich had to say in this article: This how we deal with planning applications for developments in Radyr and Morganstown. If you wish to send us comments about a local planning application, please use the comments form on our contact page.
We responded to planning objectives prepared by consultants working on the Plasdwr District Centre (the proposed, very large retail park close to Llantrisant Road). Here's an illustration of how the site might look - as shown on the Plasdwr website. How does it look to you? Nice and welcoming? Or bleak and characterless? Here's our response:
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 (As Amended) Partial discharge of condition 44 (District Centre design code) of 14/02733/mjr Please see below comments by Radyr and Morganstown Community Council with regard to the design of the District Centre. The centre is likely to be used very frequently by the residents of Radyr and Morgansrtown, thus our great interest in the site. We would like to see:
We hope you find these comments to be of use - and we would be very happy to discuss these views with the relevant companies and authorities. With best wishes. Huw Onllwyn Jones Vice Chair Radyr and Morganstown Community Council |
May 2023