The next MP & AM Advice Surgery will be on Friday 4 October between 5:00 and 6:00pm at the Old Church Rooms, Park Road, Radyr. Mr Kevin Brennan MP will be attending the surgery. No appointment is needed.
For further details, click on: MP & AM Advice Surgery (English) or MP & AM Advice Surgery (Welsh).
Friday, 5 April saw Mark Drakeford AM hold his first surgery at the Old Church Rooms, following an invitation from the community council for him and Kevin Brennan, MP, to do so.
Mark held one-to-one discussions about a wide range of issues with local residents during a very successful, early evening surgery. The point of these surgeries, of course, is to enable residents to ask Mark for advice and assistance, to help them with any problems they face. The next surgery will be held at the Old Church Rooms between 6.00 and 7.00pm on Friday 4 October. Kevin Brennan will attend on that occasion. This will give residents an opportunity to meet Kevin - to discuss with him any issues that concern them. Whether it be the Plasdwr development, traffic or more personal matters, you can be sure that Kevin will lend a sympathetic ear and do whatever he can to help. No appointment is necessary, but you can ring Kevin's office on 029 20223207 to discuss attending his surgery. Also, if you have an urgent issue for him (or Mark) to consider, you can ring their office rather than wait for the surgery in October. So make a date in your diary - and meet Kevin Brennan! In the meantime, the community council is very pleased that it was able to arrange for these surgeries to be held in Radyr. Radyr and Morganstown Community Council is delighted to welcome our local AM and MP to their first constituency surgeries in Radyr and Morganstown.
This follows an invitation given to both politicians by the community council, during Mark Drakeford's attendance at a council meeting in January. 'We are delighted that Mark and Kevin will be holding surgeries in the Old Church Rooms in Radyr' said council Chair, Ralph Vaughan. 'This will give them an opportunity to meet local residents and hear about any issues that concern them. Whether it be the Plasdwr development, traffic or more personal matters, I am sure that Mark and Kevin will lend a sympathetic ear and do what they can to help. It will be of great benefit to them to learn more about our community - and for residents to get to know their elected representatives. The council is very pleased that it has been able to arrange for this to happen'. The surgeries will be held at the Old Church Rooms on Friday, 5 April and Friday, 4 October, between 5.00pm and 6.00pm. No appointment is necessary, but if you wish to know which of the two will be in attendance on both dates (they will be attending the surgeries alternately) you can ring their office on 029 20223207 to check. Also, if you have an urgent issue for them to consider, you can ring their office rather than wait for the surgery in April. So make a date in your diary - and meet Kevin and Mark! |
May 2023