There is now a Love Where You Live locker in Radyr Library, which will go 'officially live' on Thursday 1st August. The locker is equipped with litter-picking equipment for ten adults and five children. Residents can access the equipment by signing up as a ‘Love Where You Live Champion’. They will then receive a Love Where You Live library card that will enable them to access the equipment at any hub or library with equipment - including at Radyr. To sign up to be a litter-picker, you can email [email protected] for further information. You can also read more about keeping Cardiff tidy in Welsh, here - and in English, here. If you decide to take part in this excellent initiative, be sure to send us a photo of your team, fully equipped! We can post your pictures on this site! The link to our contact details is at the foot of this page. Good luck!
As many of you will know, this website has a limited number of pages translated into Welsh. You can view these by clicking on the Union Jack banner, below - and choosing the Welsh flag which then appears. At present, we are trialling the system - and are using the free-of-charge option offered by the company which provides the translation app (called ConveyThis). The option that would enable us to translate all of our website - as it grows - would cost us £1,900 per annum. Clearly, that is not beyond our reach - but it would increase our website costs substantially (we currently pay around £120 per annum for our domain name and website - which we think is amazing value). As such, we have written to Eluned Morgan AM, Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language at the Welsh Government, suggesting that she develops a similar app, using her Welsh Language Technology fund. We estimate that this could save community councils across Wales a total of £1,396,500 per annum. We will let you know what she says. In the meantime, you can read our letter to Eluned, in Welsh, here - and in English, here. We ran a survey about Golf Club Lane. We asked: 'should it be closed to traffic?' Our survey is now closed (Cardiff Council's consultation ends on Monday). The results are as follows: Just 53 responses. 32 were for closure (60%). 20 were against closure (37%). 1 respondent did not express a preference. All who thought the lane should be closed (some of whom drive along the lane, from time to time) believe it is unsafe for walkers. Those who disagree believe that walkers are safe, or should take care. Cllr Kieran Webster, Chair of our Road Safety Working Group, challenged the Stagecoach company recently, following the sighting of one of their coaches travelling at almost 40mph on the hill between the turns to Bryn Derwen and Min-y-Coed. Within two days he received an apologetic and helpful reply from the company's managing director. You can read it below (click here to see a full sized copy). Well done Cllr Webster - and fair play to Stagecoach. If you see any crazy driving, make a note and let us know! Following the commitment shown locally to help fund the new playground at Clos Parc Radur (including money from the community council, from local residents and a crowd-funding campaign), the Chair of the community council has written to the Chair of Cardiff Council asking that he helps ensure that money is found to pay for the essential drainage works required before any new equipment an be installed.
You can read the letter in Welsh, here. And in English, here. We will let you know when we hear back from Huw Thomas. Essential carriageway lining & stud works will take place on Thursday 18th July, from 7:30pm until 5.00am on Friday 19th July.
For safety reasons, the works will necessitate the temporary closure of Llantrisant Road between the two Danescourt Way roundabouts. The plan below shows the area that will be closed to all traffic. Those talented children from Radyr Comprehensive School have been busy again. This time, they have brightened up the tunnel under the railway, next to Radyr Station - with portrayals of some of the world's most famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, the Burj Al Arab in Dubai - and our very own Castell Coch! And opposite this is a reminder that every cloud has a silver lining. These are in addition to the community art already in place on Heol Isaf, on the lane between Woodfield Avenue and Taff Terrace and at the Mound Field - which you can see here and here. Cardiff Council is proposing to close Golf Club Lane to cars. Cyclists would still be able to use the lane. Cardiff's consultation document says that private cars using the lane create a real or perceived danger to pedestrians - and that there are very few opportunities for vehicles to pass each other. Cardiff goes on to say that, if closed, the lane would become a safe, pleasant leisure facility - and could form a good off-road cycling facility as part of the cycle network. They explain that private vehicles will have a convenient, alternative route to Radyr, via Heol Isaf. More information can be found in Welsh here. And in English here. The consultation closes on 28 July - and any responses should be sent to [email protected]. Some readers will know that we published a survey seeking views about this. You can take part here. As things stand, nine respondents (60%) think Golf Club Lane should not be closed - and six (40%) think it should be. Four of the 'no' responses were received in the early hours of 8 July. Cardiff Council has been planning, for some time, to repair Ynys Bridge. They want to do this before Llantrisant Road closes (see this story). They have now been informed that one of their contractors is available, at short notice, to undertake the urgently required resurfacing and bridge joint repair works this weekend. The closures will be in place tonight, Saturday and Sunday night from 19:30 to 05:30 - and advance notices for motorists have been put out. The road will be open during the day (maybe with a rough surface) during the resurfacing work. Where is Ynys Bridge? It's the bridge over the River Taff which leads to the A470, just after Pugh's - and below Castell Coch. |
May 2023