Readers will probably be aware of the sorry state of the River Taff, as it passes alongside Radyr and Morganstown. The recent floods dragged huge quantities of plastic bags and other items into the river - much of which is now caught up in the branches of the river-bank trees, which hang over the river. This is both unsightly - and damaging to wildlife. It is not, however, an unusual sight. This stretch of the river is constantly subject to pollution incidents - and hardly a day goes by without more plastic bags attaching themselves to the river bank. As such, the Community Council has been working with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to prepare an information leaflet, setting out what NRW is doing to tackle river pollution, in liaison with other organisations. The leaflet also includes contact details, so that members of the public can contact NRW (and others) to seek advice - and to report any new pollution incidents. We are pleased to publish the leaflet (below) - and we invite readers to make use of the contact details to encourage Natural Resources Wales to do all that it can to keep our stretch of river free of pollution. ![]()
The Community Council office at the Old Church Rooms is closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions but you still contact the Council on [email protected]. We continue to deal with your queries about Council business and will also be looking to support the community-wide effort to help those in need during the COVID-19 emergency. Our Chair of Council, Huw Jones, is representing the Community Council on the recently launched Community Radyr and Morganstown.
Our community hall, the Old Church Rooms, is now closed to the public and all bookings will be cancelled until the COVID-19 restrictions are eased. The AM/MP surgery that was scheduled for Friday 3 April at the Old Church Rooms has been postponed. The Community Council will continue to publish updates on this website to help keep our community informed during the emergency. Another useful source of regular COVID-19 updates is Cardiff Council’s newsroom: In addition to our homegrown Community (more details here), Cardiff Council has set up a volunteering site, showing volunteer and support information across the city. This site also has some helpful guidance for volunteering: Keep well and safe Radyr & Morganstown Community Council The Coronavirus outbreak is leading to delays in distributing this month's Radyr Chain. In the meantime, here's an electronic copy for you to enjoy. It contains some articles submitted by the Community Council, including one about our general work - and one about some ideas we're developing for the Station Road area. ![]()
The Community Council has been represented on a group of volunteers working to build 'community resilience', to help all of us to cope with the Coronavirus outbreak. The group is called Community. Today the group is ready to go - with the first step aimed at recruiting volunteers who can help with a variety of tasks - aimed at helping those who become ill, or who just need some support during these difficult times. Below is the group's first public announcement / recruitment drive. If you think you can help in any way (big or small) please register via the online form mentioned below. We're an amazing community! Let's work together to smash this virus! Who are we? We are a group of local volunteers, with links to local organisations. We want to help our community to be more resilient during the Coronavirus pandemic. What is our aim? To pool volunteers & resources from within our community - to support local residents, key workers and local organisations. We all need to stay-at-home and maintain social distance. But we are also being encouraged to support one another, especially vulnerable neighbours. Already, over a quarter of our neighbours are self-isolating, for their safety and ours. Some are not online. Some have no family nearby. But they are all part of our community. Our community’s greatest asset is our residents, who can provide local support for local people. By being a more resilient and self-supporting community, we can help each other whilst easing the strain on other organisations. How you can get involved:
So what could R&M Community achieve:
Running short of green recycling bags? We understand that you can pick these up at the Co-op.
We love our Co-op! During the Coronavirus outbreak, as most readers will know, our rubbish collection service has changed. We have just received a lengthy press release from Cardiff Council (you can find it at the foot of this page). Basically, it announces that we are now moving to a weekly collection of our black wheelie bins. You now need to add your food waste to that wheelie bin (the brown food caddies will no longer be collected). You also need to add any hygiene waste (nappies/medical waste etc) into your black wheelie bin. Your green recycling bags should also be put out weekly alongside your black wheelie bin - with items rinsed to rid them of food residue etc. Our collections will take place on Mondays, as usual. Green recycling bags are available at the Central Library Hub and Ely Hub. They can also be ordered online here. Bulky waste collections and green garden waste collections will not take place until the Coronavirus emergency is over. We must all build compost heaps! Cardiff Council is also asking us to wipe down our bin handles with disinfectant for the safety of both ourselves and their staff. You can read all there is to know about our rubbish, here. ![]()
We've posted before about our Coronavirus postcards, here and here.
Has your street been included? Have you posted or received a postcard? We want to see 100% of Radyr and Morganstown involved - so that all parts of our community know that, if they become ill, there are people around them who can help. So - if your street is a postcard 'not-spot', why not see if you, or a neighbour, can pick up a supply of cards from the Co-op, the Chemist or McColl's on Station Road - and build community resilience where you live! We are very grateful to the businesses on Station Road for agreeing to hold stocks of the postcard for the public to collect. Let's help each other the best we can! In our previous item we explained that the Community Council is represented on a group of local volunteers seeking to develop enhanced community resilience techniques and services. We've developed a cute new logo to help draw attention to the work. Here it is: So look out for the logo - it will accompany important information about help required and help available.
We are a great community! Let's work together to beat this thing! Last week we announced that our Coronavirus postcards were available for local volunteers to use. They have been warmly welcomed by many - with almost 3,000 cards distributed from many locations across Radyr and Morganstown. Stocks are running low - but there are still some cards available in the Co-op. We can print more if the demand is there. We think the cards are compliant with the Uk Government's lock-down announcement which included the follwoing statement: You should only leave the house for one of four reasons.
We believe that our postcards deal with the third bullet point, which refers to providing care or helping a vulnerable person. How to use the cards? If you want to volunteer:
If you need help and someone has posted a card through your door:
Apart from these postcards, the Community Council is represented on a group of local volunteers seeking to develop enhanced community resilience techniques and services. More to follow about that in the very near future. They're here! And they're ready for community volunteers to distribute to their friends and neighbours - to help those who will have to self-isolate over the coming weeks and months. We are facing a difficult time - so it will be amazing if we can pull together as a community, to help each other the best we can. These cards will help you let people know that you can assist them with shopping, cooking, collecting prescriptions, dog-walking and more. If you want some cards, please leave a comment, below. In addition, several local organisations will be distributing them across Radyr and Morganstown. We'll let you know more details as soon as we have them. Good luck everyone! And thanks to all who will be volunteering! Note: if you're collecting someone's prescriptions, it would help the Well Pharmacy on Station Road if you could provide them with your neighbour's name, address and date of birth. |
May 2023