The 2011 Census provided details about the diverse nature or Radyr and Morganstown’s population. Some of the results can be seen on our website (url).
Radyr and Morgantown is home to three schools, although pupils receiving their education through the medium of Welsh attend schools outside Radyr and Morganstown.
We have a Medical Centre.
We have a private dentist..
Our community is well served by xx churches and chapels (including Capel Bethel at Gwaelod y Garth). We are happy to work with our churches and chapels for the benefit of residents. To this end we are delighted to be supporting Christ Church’s Good Neighbours scheme.
Other religions?
Celebrating diversity
We are proud to be a diverse community, offering a home to people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Radyr and Morganstown will always welcome people to live and work here, whatever their race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, etc. We want to be an inclusive community.
We will always look for ways to celebrate that diversity (such as last year’s celebration of Diwali, when candlelit lanterns were arranged along the walls of Windsor Gardens).
Our young people
We value our young people. We will work with our young people - and the comprehensive schools attended by Radyr and Morganstown pupils - to better understand their needs - and to see if there is anything we can do to help provide the facilities and activities that they need.
In 2020, following an approach from ourselves, Radyr Comprehensive School undertook a pupil survey. The results showed that our young people enjoy living in Radyr and Morganstown - but are keen to have somewhere to meet each other outside of school and their homes - along with suitable outdoor amenities.
Our elderly residents
Our elderly residents are important members of our community. Prior to the Covid pandemic we arranged lunches for them at Radyr Golf Club on alternate Wednesdays. These events were much enjoyed by those who attended.
Looking to the future, however, we have awarded Christ Church a £10,000 per annum grant to establish a Good Neighbours Scheme. The scheme will provide a wide range of services to help and support elderly and vulnerable residents. We look forward to working with the church as the scheme develops. The Good Neighbours scheme will replace the Golf Club lunches.
Disabled residents
We want to help our disabled residents. We are currently developing ideas to make the Old Church Rooms as welcome and accessible as possible for people with disabilities.
More generally, we are keen to support disabled people living in Radyr and Morganstown. We are proud to have the Leonard Cheshire home as a neighbour. We are also supporting the new Radyr and Morganstown Good Neighbours Scheme (see above), which will be able to offer support for vulnerable people, including disabled people.
Welsh speakers
Radyr and Morganstown is home to over 600 Welsh speakers - for whom we are happy to provide services through the medium of Welsh.
Although we have not yet been asked to comply with statutory Welsh language standards, we will operate in a way which reasonably and practicably reflects the principles of the Welsh Language Measure 2011. To this end, our website is linked to Microsoft's Bing Translate system, which enables instantaneous translation of every page.
We are also able to correspond with residents through the medium of Welsh - and, as of 2021, three of our councillors can speak the language fluently.
Community events
We are keen to work with local organisations to develop events and activities which help create a sense of community. A good example of this is the May festival, arranged by the Radyr and Morganstown Association, which raises money for charity whilst providing a wide range of activities, including the concert in the park which we support with a grant.
Another example is the programme of Christmas celebrations arranged by the community council, the Radyr and Morganstown Association and others.
We arrange and pay for the public Christmas lights display in Radyr and Morganstown. This includes Christmas trees at Windsor Gardens, the Sidings and the Granny Park in Morganstown. In addition, we arrange the Christmas lights on Station Road (apart from the small Christmas trees installed on shop fronts which are kindly arranged by the Radyr and Morganstown Association). We also arrange the installation of Christmas lights on lampposts along the main road.
We could further enhance our Christmas lights display.
We also fund the provision of a Christmas pantomime at the Old Church rooms; a Santa Sleigh Ride around Radyr and Morganstown - along with a visit by Micky and Minnie Mouse - and we run a Christmas decorations competition for residents.
We arrange an annual Christmas dinner which is normally held at Radyr Golf Club. We invite to the dinner a wide cross-section of those who have worked during the year to help make Radyr and Morgantown a great place to live.
Our Businesses
Radyr and Morganstown have a very modest number of local business, mainly located in Station Road, Pentwyn and Pugh's Garden Centre.
We value our local businesses - and the services and jobs they provide. We will continue to support them - and to press Cardiff Council to ensure that they have every chance to succeed (eg. by improving the Station Road area).
Our businesses will face competition from the proposed Plasdwr retail centre. This emphasises the need to ensure that they are supported by the local community. Even so, the Plasdwr centre will be of benefit to residents - so we will monitor that development carefully - to make sure that it happens (and that the site is not used for even more housing).
The Ty Nant Pub, Slice and the Radyr Tap are the only 'pubs' serving Radyr and Morganstown. We supported the opening of the Tap and are pleased to see that this small business has survived the pandemic.
Many residents enjoy the food offered by street traders such as the Spice Shuttle (which parks on De Clare Drive) and the Chinese takeaway van which parks on Ffordd Treforgan. We think that these offer a valuable addition to our community - so we will support and encourage this type of trader.
The Old Church Rooms
We own and manage the Old Church Rooms on Park Road. The hall is available for use for a wide range of activities, with the main rooms costing £6 per hour (which will increase to £8 per hour from April 2022). The prices we charge are very competitive, compared with other halls in Cardiff. We run the hall as a community asset, rather than seeking to maximise profits.
We will always seek to improve the hall, to make it a better place in which to hold meetings, a wide range of activities, parties and more.
Morganstown Village Hall
We do not own or manage Morganstown Village Hall (which is owned by a local trust). The hall is a very important facility for the community - and we are happy to work with the trust to help develop and maintain the hall.
Sports and other activities
We are proud to have one of Wales' best tennis clubs in Radyr. The ten-court facility has a healthy membership - and we will do all we can to support the club.
Similarly, Radyr is home to Radyr Cricket Club which has a fine ground near Radyr Station. We were pleased to support the club with a £13k grant in 2020 towards the costs of extending the clubhouse - and a further grant of £2k in 2021 towards the cost of a new cover for the cricket green.
Radyr also boasts an excellent golf club. We have supported the club over the years with grants, mainly to help develop youth golf. We will continue to do all we can to support the club.
Radyr and Morganstown is home to the Radyr Rangers football club which has a membership of around 350 players, aged between x and y. Apart from out work on the Mound Field clubhouse facility, we will continue to do all we can to support the club.
Guides / scouts / brownies...
The library
We regard our library as a hugely important asset. We would like to see it develop to offer an ever-wider range of services for the community. And we would, of course, campaign against any proposal by Cardiff Council to close this key facility.
Radyr and Morganstown has low levels of crime compared to other parts of Cardiff. Even so, some incidents do occur - and we should guard against any trends that might see the frequency and seriousness of those incidents increase. To this end, we will continue to work with the police, including our community police, to ensure that residents can enjoy peaceful occupation of their homes and their neighbourhood.
In the meantime, residents who are the victims of crime or anti-social behaviour should ring 999 or 101 (for non-emergency issues). Residents are also encouraged to report incidents via the South Wales Police website.
We will encourage and support any residents who wish to establish a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Working in partnership
We think it will continue to be important for us to work in partnership with other organisations and individuals that can help protect and develop our community.
This includes Cardiff Council. We have a good working relationship with Cardiff's Transport Department - and we would like to develop similar relationships with the Council's Planning and xxx departments.
We also want to develop a good relationship with Cardiff Council's leader - and we will invite him to Radyr and Morganstown, periodically, to visit sites of concern - and to discuss key issues of interest to our community.
Charter with Cardiff
Our Senedd Member (who is currently Wales' First Minister) attends Community Council meetings once a year to answer questions about matters of interest to the community. Residents can attend those meetings and can, by prior arrangement, ask their own questions.
We have also arranged for our Senedd Member and Member of Parliament to hold surgeries in Radyr, which they arrange in the Old Church Rooms, twice a year. Residents are encouraged to attend to discuss issues of interest to them. Apart from the above, we will aim to strengthen our relationship with our elected members.
We continue to attend the Quarry Liaison Committee, to discuss developments at the quarry which may be of interest to residents. These discussions include blasting (and its impact on the community) and the proposed closure of the quarry in around xx years time (at which point it could be developed as an outdoor activity centre).
We will continue to work with the RMA, as appropriate, to develop projects and activities which will benefit the community. To this end, we have established a liaison committee to strengthen our working relationship with the association.
In 2019 we launched our website, providing news and information of interest to residents, including news about our work. We will continue to communicate with residents via our website and our Twitter feed. We will also host a Facebook page in the near future. In the meantime, we are grateful to local social media sites for posting links to our stories, which helps get our message across to a wider audience.
We also contribute an article about out work for each edition of the Radyr Chain, which we consider to be a valuable community resource and an excellent way to share information across our community.
When we need to consult with residents we will mainly do so via our online survey tool (using the SmartSurvey website). We will also draw attention to our consultations via the Radyr Chain and local social media sites.
Mobile phone and broadband services
Our 2019 survey showed that, in general, mobile signal strength across Radyr and Morganstown can often be described as 'poor or terrible'. We wrote to Welsh Government Ministers about this - following which the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport replied explaining that he would discuss, with the UK Government and mobile operators, including Radyr and Morganstown as an area to be included in the Shared Rural Network.
We understand that a 5G mast is to be erected near the junction of Heol Isaf and Llantrisant Road. We need to know to what extent this could improve mobile services across Radyr and Morganstown.
We will also press for better broadband services across Radyr and Morganstown.
Your ideas
If you would like to provide us with your ideas about our people and our community, please click here to take part in our online survey. SMART SURVEY LINK
The 2011 Census provided details about the diverse nature or Radyr and Morganstown’s population. Some of the results can be seen on our website (url).
Radyr and Morgantown is home to three schools, although pupils receiving their education through the medium of Welsh attend schools outside Radyr and Morganstown.
We have a Medical Centre.
We have a private dentist..
Our community is well served by xx churches and chapels (including Capel Bethel at Gwaelod y Garth). We are happy to work with our churches and chapels for the benefit of residents. To this end we are delighted to be supporting Christ Church’s Good Neighbours scheme.
Other religions?
Celebrating diversity
We are proud to be a diverse community, offering a home to people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Radyr and Morganstown will always welcome people to live and work here, whatever their race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, etc. We want to be an inclusive community.
We will always look for ways to celebrate that diversity (such as last year’s celebration of Diwali, when candlelit lanterns were arranged along the walls of Windsor Gardens).
Our young people
We value our young people. We will work with our young people - and the comprehensive schools attended by Radyr and Morganstown pupils - to better understand their needs - and to see if there is anything we can do to help provide the facilities and activities that they need.
In 2020, following an approach from ourselves, Radyr Comprehensive School undertook a pupil survey. The results showed that our young people enjoy living in Radyr and Morganstown - but are keen to have somewhere to meet each other outside of school and their homes - along with suitable outdoor amenities.
Our elderly residents
Our elderly residents are important members of our community. Prior to the Covid pandemic we arranged lunches for them at Radyr Golf Club on alternate Wednesdays. These events were much enjoyed by those who attended.
Looking to the future, however, we have awarded Christ Church a £10,000 per annum grant to establish a Good Neighbours Scheme. The scheme will provide a wide range of services to help and support elderly and vulnerable residents. We look forward to working with the church as the scheme develops. The Good Neighbours scheme will replace the Golf Club lunches.
Disabled residents
We want to help our disabled residents. We are currently developing ideas to make the Old Church Rooms as welcome and accessible as possible for people with disabilities.
More generally, we are keen to support disabled people living in Radyr and Morganstown. We are proud to have the Leonard Cheshire home as a neighbour. We are also supporting the new Radyr and Morganstown Good Neighbours Scheme (see above), which will be able to offer support for vulnerable people, including disabled people.
Welsh speakers
Radyr and Morganstown is home to over 600 Welsh speakers - for whom we are happy to provide services through the medium of Welsh.
Although we have not yet been asked to comply with statutory Welsh language standards, we will operate in a way which reasonably and practicably reflects the principles of the Welsh Language Measure 2011. To this end, our website is linked to Microsoft's Bing Translate system, which enables instantaneous translation of every page.
We are also able to correspond with residents through the medium of Welsh - and, as of 2021, three of our councillors can speak the language fluently.
Community events
We are keen to work with local organisations to develop events and activities which help create a sense of community. A good example of this is the May festival, arranged by the Radyr and Morganstown Association, which raises money for charity whilst providing a wide range of activities, including the concert in the park which we support with a grant.
Another example is the programme of Christmas celebrations arranged by the community council, the Radyr and Morganstown Association and others.
We arrange and pay for the public Christmas lights display in Radyr and Morganstown. This includes Christmas trees at Windsor Gardens, the Sidings and the Granny Park in Morganstown. In addition, we arrange the Christmas lights on Station Road (apart from the small Christmas trees installed on shop fronts which are kindly arranged by the Radyr and Morganstown Association). We also arrange the installation of Christmas lights on lampposts along the main road.
We could further enhance our Christmas lights display.
We also fund the provision of a Christmas pantomime at the Old Church rooms; a Santa Sleigh Ride around Radyr and Morganstown - along with a visit by Micky and Minnie Mouse - and we run a Christmas decorations competition for residents.
We arrange an annual Christmas dinner which is normally held at Radyr Golf Club. We invite to the dinner a wide cross-section of those who have worked during the year to help make Radyr and Morgantown a great place to live.
Our Businesses
Radyr and Morganstown have a very modest number of local business, mainly located in Station Road, Pentwyn and Pugh's Garden Centre.
We value our local businesses - and the services and jobs they provide. We will continue to support them - and to press Cardiff Council to ensure that they have every chance to succeed (eg. by improving the Station Road area).
Our businesses will face competition from the proposed Plasdwr retail centre. This emphasises the need to ensure that they are supported by the local community. Even so, the Plasdwr centre will be of benefit to residents - so we will monitor that development carefully - to make sure that it happens (and that the site is not used for even more housing).
The Ty Nant Pub, Slice and the Radyr Tap are the only 'pubs' serving Radyr and Morganstown. We supported the opening of the Tap and are pleased to see that this small business has survived the pandemic.
Many residents enjoy the food offered by street traders such as the Spice Shuttle (which parks on De Clare Drive) and the Chinese takeaway van which parks on Ffordd Treforgan. We think that these offer a valuable addition to our community - so we will support and encourage this type of trader.
The Old Church Rooms
We own and manage the Old Church Rooms on Park Road. The hall is available for use for a wide range of activities, with the main rooms costing £6 per hour (which will increase to £8 per hour from April 2022). The prices we charge are very competitive, compared with other halls in Cardiff. We run the hall as a community asset, rather than seeking to maximise profits.
We will always seek to improve the hall, to make it a better place in which to hold meetings, a wide range of activities, parties and more.
Morganstown Village Hall
We do not own or manage Morganstown Village Hall (which is owned by a local trust). The hall is a very important facility for the community - and we are happy to work with the trust to help develop and maintain the hall.
Sports and other activities
We are proud to have one of Wales' best tennis clubs in Radyr. The ten-court facility has a healthy membership - and we will do all we can to support the club.
Similarly, Radyr is home to Radyr Cricket Club which has a fine ground near Radyr Station. We were pleased to support the club with a £13k grant in 2020 towards the costs of extending the clubhouse - and a further grant of £2k in 2021 towards the cost of a new cover for the cricket green.
Radyr also boasts an excellent golf club. We have supported the club over the years with grants, mainly to help develop youth golf. We will continue to do all we can to support the club.
Radyr and Morganstown is home to the Radyr Rangers football club which has a membership of around 350 players, aged between x and y. Apart from out work on the Mound Field clubhouse facility, we will continue to do all we can to support the club.
Guides / scouts / brownies...
The library
We regard our library as a hugely important asset. We would like to see it develop to offer an ever-wider range of services for the community. And we would, of course, campaign against any proposal by Cardiff Council to close this key facility.
Radyr and Morganstown has low levels of crime compared to other parts of Cardiff. Even so, some incidents do occur - and we should guard against any trends that might see the frequency and seriousness of those incidents increase. To this end, we will continue to work with the police, including our community police, to ensure that residents can enjoy peaceful occupation of their homes and their neighbourhood.
In the meantime, residents who are the victims of crime or anti-social behaviour should ring 999 or 101 (for non-emergency issues). Residents are also encouraged to report incidents via the South Wales Police website.
We will encourage and support any residents who wish to establish a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Working in partnership
We think it will continue to be important for us to work in partnership with other organisations and individuals that can help protect and develop our community.
This includes Cardiff Council. We have a good working relationship with Cardiff's Transport Department - and we would like to develop similar relationships with the Council's Planning and xxx departments.
We also want to develop a good relationship with Cardiff Council's leader - and we will invite him to Radyr and Morganstown, periodically, to visit sites of concern - and to discuss key issues of interest to our community.
Charter with Cardiff
Our Senedd Member (who is currently Wales' First Minister) attends Community Council meetings once a year to answer questions about matters of interest to the community. Residents can attend those meetings and can, by prior arrangement, ask their own questions.
We have also arranged for our Senedd Member and Member of Parliament to hold surgeries in Radyr, which they arrange in the Old Church Rooms, twice a year. Residents are encouraged to attend to discuss issues of interest to them. Apart from the above, we will aim to strengthen our relationship with our elected members.
We continue to attend the Quarry Liaison Committee, to discuss developments at the quarry which may be of interest to residents. These discussions include blasting (and its impact on the community) and the proposed closure of the quarry in around xx years time (at which point it could be developed as an outdoor activity centre).
We will continue to work with the RMA, as appropriate, to develop projects and activities which will benefit the community. To this end, we have established a liaison committee to strengthen our working relationship with the association.
In 2019 we launched our website, providing news and information of interest to residents, including news about our work. We will continue to communicate with residents via our website and our Twitter feed. We will also host a Facebook page in the near future. In the meantime, we are grateful to local social media sites for posting links to our stories, which helps get our message across to a wider audience.
We also contribute an article about out work for each edition of the Radyr Chain, which we consider to be a valuable community resource and an excellent way to share information across our community.
When we need to consult with residents we will mainly do so via our online survey tool (using the SmartSurvey website). We will also draw attention to our consultations via the Radyr Chain and local social media sites.
Mobile phone and broadband services
Our 2019 survey showed that, in general, mobile signal strength across Radyr and Morganstown can often be described as 'poor or terrible'. We wrote to Welsh Government Ministers about this - following which the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport replied explaining that he would discuss, with the UK Government and mobile operators, including Radyr and Morganstown as an area to be included in the Shared Rural Network.
We understand that a 5G mast is to be erected near the junction of Heol Isaf and Llantrisant Road. We need to know to what extent this could improve mobile services across Radyr and Morganstown.
We will also press for better broadband services across Radyr and Morganstown.
Your ideas
If you would like to provide us with your ideas about our people and our community, please click here to take part in our online survey. SMART SURVEY LINK
Our environment
We look after Radyr and Danybryn Woods. We look after Windsor Gardens. We lobby to improve road safety throughout Radyr and Morganstown And more. |
We offer grants to support a wide range of organisations and activities. |
The Old Church Rooms
We own the Old Church Rooms. The building is run by a hall management committee composed of councillors. |